GET /app/devices/{device_id}/data
URL requires a header and body with the following format (Items in bold are required):
No request body is required as this is a GET request
JSON object containing all the last posted data entry
Python example to post Device Data:
# Get_Last_Data
# Retrieve last instance of data posted to a specific device
# This example is built on top of the API Login Example
# This example is built on top of the API Get Device ID example
# This example is built on top of the API Get Device Info example
# Copyright (c) 2021 Engineering Design Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
# <variable_name> represents value specific to user
import requests
import json
from pprint import pprint
#Need an access token to access this API endpoint
import Get_app_token
import Get_Device_ID
import Get_Device_info
#getData returns the most recent data structure posted to the specified device.
def getData(accessToken = "", deviceUuid = ""):
#retrieve access token if user does not provide one
if accessToken == "":
accessToken = Get_app_token.getToken(<user_username>, <user_password>, <client_ID>)
#if the user did not provide a device UDID, fetch all Device UDID's and let the user choose
if deviceUuid == "":
#pull a list of each Device ID
deviceIdList = Get_Device_ID.getDeviceId(accessToken)
print("displaying all device IDs and UDIDs...\\n")
i = 0
for deviceId in deviceIdList:
#get the device info for each unique device, extract board name and device UDID
deviceInfo = Get_Device_info.getDeviceInfo(accessToken, deviceId)
deviceName = deviceInfo['boardName']
deviceUdid = deviceInfo["pcbSn"]
#display each board with a number so user can choose which board to use
print("Device #%d" %i, deviceName)
print("DeviceID:", deviceId, end = ": ")
print("UDID:", deviceUdid, "\\n")
i += 1
deviceIdIndex = int(input("Which device number would you like to retrieve data for? "))
deviceId = deviceIdList[deviceIdIndex]
#generate URL for GET request
baseUrl = "<>"
endpointAddress = "/app/devices/" + deviceId + "/data"
dataUrl = baseUrl + endpointAddress
#create header and body to send to API
"Authorization": "Bearer " + accessToken,
"Content-Type": "application/json"
#retrieve most recent Data using GET request
response = requests.get(dataUrl,
headers = authHeader,
verify = True)
#display API response code
print("Device Data: ", response)
deviceData = response.json()
return deviceData
def main():
print("Retrieving most recent data for device...")
device_data = getData()
#display list of device ID's accessible by user
print("DeviceData: ")
if __name__ == "__main__":