Register a New Board to create a unique PcbSn for the physical IoT device (board) you would like to use with the EDG Client Portal. You don't have to enter anything in this Register Board page, you can simply click "Register Board". If you want to have easy-to-search Serial Number Prefixes, then add your's in the Pub SN Prefix. If you are wanting to track Model Numbers, add your device's Pcb MN. For our Quick Start, let's use '101' for the Pcb SN Prefix and 'Soft' for the Pcb MN.
Get the board's serial number (aka PcbSn). There is a copy link on the Manage Boards pane for each PcbSn you have registered. Just click the Copy button. Your Pcb SN will look something like: 101.fcd69c22-7cc6-46bb-a859-9d934eb8032c
. Your complete Pcb SN is a secure device number that will allow the Board device to Post data to Keep the full Pcb SN private and secure. It should only be used for this one Board or device.
Use the following simple python software test to familiarize yourself with using the API endpoint POST /api/boarddata
From your command line: $ python
. This will send the data. You should see:
$ python3
Packaging device data...
Posting data to API...
Post Data: <Response [200]>
View your data at the Board Data page. Click "Quick View". Your first data, easy!
<aside> 🌟 Success! You’ve just connected your first device to the EDG Client Portal!
<aside> 📗 Ready to learn more? Check out these How-Tos:
Getting an access_token
to use the endpoints: POST /app/oauth/token
Learn to format the request header with your access_token
Example: Formatting the Request Header
Retrieving a range of data posted: GET /app/devices/{device_id}/lastdata
. This is also a process that includes getting an access_token
and finding the device_id
Retrieving the last data posted: GET /app/devices/{device_id}/data
. This is a process that includes getting an access_token
and finding the device_id
Getting an access_token
and formatting the request header:
Use your access_token
and request header with with any of these endpoints:
Example: Get Company Information
Example: Get a List of Devices
See the complete list of available endpoints:
✉️ Drop us a note and we’ll be in touch: [email protected]
Access tokens are required in the HTTP header to access the majority of endpoints. Users need to login to the API to retrieve a valid access token. Access tokens last for 24 hours before the user will need to fetch a new one to access the API.
Access tokens can be retrieved from the API by a POST request to the following endpoint URL:
POST /app/oauth/token
Details and a code example for accessing this API endpoint can be found below.